It seems like all my blog posts in recent months have
involved me apologising and this post is no exception. I made a few vague hints
in my last few posts regarding Germany and au pairing. If you follow me on
Twitter you would have seen me mention it a lot.
The short story was that I was all set to go to Hamburg,
Germany, leaving behind my family here in little old England and settle in to a
new family and look after kids and other nanny-ish things. The weeks leading up
to the move were hectic, so hectic that I just didn’t have time to post. I was
grabbing up all the time with family and friends that I could while
simultaneously working out how to fit 23 years of my life in to a suitcase or
two (I can’t travel light, I try but it doesn’t work). Anyway, once I got to
Hamburg (beautiful city by the way) things went a little pear-shaped. The
family was pleasant enough, the area that they lived in beautiful, Hamburg was
nice. Still I couldn’t shake this feeling of wrong-ness, the sensation that I
shouldn’t be there. It got worse and worse until finally, the day that I was
supposed to move in to the family’s home I couldn’t take it any more and begged
my parents to take me home.
So I came back after many apologies to the family and it’s
back to the drawing board for my life and finding work. I don’t regret coming
home though as you might think. I don’t regret following my gut, I don’t regret
deciding not to stay, I don’t regret leaving the family. I do however, regret
that the family went to so much trouble and I turn around and leave them in the
lurch. I do regret that I couldn’t stay, simply because I wish I could have
lived in a different country. It’s a strange feeling but with a history of
depression and a tendency to over-analyse and get stuck in my head I didn’t
want to risk ignoring my instincts and ending up a hospitalised mess.
And yes, that is indeed the short story. The longer version
involves a lot more crying, snot and Currywurst (which is absolutely delicious and I wish I could have one right now). For now I’m trying to get back
on all the horses, including blogging and hopefully soon I’ll get back in that
saddle and start posting more regularly. Until then I’ll keep trying to find my
groove. Catch you next time.