So that’s it, NaNoWriMo is done and over with for another
year. That’s not to say I’ll stop writing though. I’ll never stop writing, you’d
have to cut off my arms to make me do that and then I’m sure I’d find some form
of dictation machine thing to do the writing for me (as you can tell I’m not
the most technologically savvy person on the web). What it is today though, is
the first RoW80 Check In for December. There really isn’t long left for this
and now that I’m not completely focused on NaNo anymore I’m hoping to make more
a dent in my goals. This week it’s been much the same as it has throughout
November. I’m just going to focus on the bits that I did do as you don’t need
me waxing poetical about my failures, yet again.
1) Write NaNo
5) Convert o.S.a.M to novel format.
That was my NaNo. As shown by the post I made on Friday I managed to reach a massive 82,000 words, much better than I expected. What I didn’t expect when I started writing on the first day of NaNo was that I’d begin to write o.S.a.M as a novel. It works well though. I can get inside the minds of my characters, they reveal things about themselves of which I had no idea and their relationships with each other change and alter as I go. I didn’t finish it though, not by a long shot, but I won’t be stopping now that November is over. I’m going to carry on writing after I take a brief break for actual planning. Overall these two goals have been a resounding success.
5) Convert o.S.a.M to novel format.
That was my NaNo. As shown by the post I made on Friday I managed to reach a massive 82,000 words, much better than I expected. What I didn’t expect when I started writing on the first day of NaNo was that I’d begin to write o.S.a.M as a novel. It works well though. I can get inside the minds of my characters, they reveal things about themselves of which I had no idea and their relationships with each other change and alter as I go. I didn’t finish it though, not by a long shot, but I won’t be stopping now that November is over. I’m going to carry on writing after I take a brief break for actual planning. Overall these two goals have been a resounding success.
2) Darkling Watch
I’ve not done any editing, I won’t lie. I’ve been thinking about the story as ever and working out what I’ll do with it but no actual editing has taken place. What I have done though is set out a preliminary release date; September 2013. So I’ve got a deadline and a timeframe for when I need to have stuff finished. I’m planning on recruiting beta readers, I have no idea how but I will find some. I need to get a cover drawn up and most importantly I need to get the editing done, several times over. So I’ll say that this week, I’ve had some success on this goal.
I’ve not done any editing, I won’t lie. I’ve been thinking about the story as ever and working out what I’ll do with it but no actual editing has taken place. What I have done though is set out a preliminary release date; September 2013. So I’ve got a deadline and a timeframe for when I need to have stuff finished. I’m planning on recruiting beta readers, I have no idea how but I will find some. I need to get a cover drawn up and most importantly I need to get the editing done, several times over. So I’ll say that this week, I’ve had some success on this goal.
6) Blog at least 3 times a week
This one has been a bit spotty. I’ve had some blogs some days and completely missed others. The promised second part of my Life of a Novel article still hasn’t been written but don’t worry, it will be and it will soon be up tomorrow. Now that NaNo is over I’m going to have to change the focus of my Wednesday posts. Last year, after I started blogging properly I believe I started doing something called Progress Wednesdays. I’m going back to that. On my Wednesday posts I’ll be talking about all the lovely progress I’ve made on my Works In Progress as well as putting the information in the page for it at the top. Hopefully this will keep people entertained and also give me an extra little bit of motivation to get my writing done. Hopefully... So essentially I’m going to say that I’ve succeeded at this goal. More or less.
This one has been a bit spotty. I’ve had some blogs some days and completely missed others. The promised second part of my Life of a Novel article still hasn’t been written but don’t worry, it will be and it will soon be up tomorrow. Now that NaNo is over I’m going to have to change the focus of my Wednesday posts. Last year, after I started blogging properly I believe I started doing something called Progress Wednesdays. I’m going back to that. On my Wednesday posts I’ll be talking about all the lovely progress I’ve made on my Works In Progress as well as putting the information in the page for it at the top. Hopefully this will keep people entertained and also give me an extra little bit of motivation to get my writing done. Hopefully... So essentially I’m going to say that I’ve succeeded at this goal. More or less.
So that’s it, the little bit of success that I’ve had this
week. If you’re participating in RoW80 how are you doing? IF you want to know
more about what RoW80 is, click the link in my sidebar. If you don’t take part
in RoW80 but want to tell me how your writing is going feel free.
Keep Writing!